It naturally happens when living in balance and having a flow of energy through our physical body. It makes difference in every area of our lives.
The points (chakras) in our bodies, works as vortex and it’s connected with the energy of our body’s external world and beyond it. Once those points are expanded, the energy flowing through will increase the level of energy, and once in balance the frequency of your energy will increase. Every one carries within the same energetic points’ system, which is sleeping until it is activated. Once activate, you can improve your flow of energy through your body, increasing the frequency of your body’s vibration. Doing so, you will start to feel all the effect of it reflected on your daily life’s activities.
Energy work is a powerful technique that will tool us to achieve first balance, and secondly expand our energetic points in our physical body to allow the flow of high frequency’s vibration of energy throughout our body, increasing our quality of life.
We all are evolving, in our daily life. When we wake up and see things around that is not allowing us to go ahead smoothly, even trying our best all the time, we start to feel frustrations, doubts, and some time changing mood constantly. That means we are not living in balance with our emotions, physical strength, and mind, and the energy’s flow in our body is not matching with our bodies systems. When we apply the Energy work’s techniques we can shift our state of being moody, stressed, tiredness to a balanced and peaceful state of mind with more knowledge about ourselves and more consciousness
Our state of Consciousness affects all areas of our lives. So at the level we vibrate consciously it will be possible to transfer events into our 3D lives, which we call manifestation.
The fact of been able to manifest is the ability to transcend yourself from the physical world to the conscious world and transcend back to the 3D. For example: The thinking process is mental, conscious and you are with your mind. Once thought you add the desire to realize it. It all can just stay on your mind level or you can take it a bit further and manifest it into a reality. Actually we all do it in our everyday lives. This process always where there and always will be. What are new are the techniques available to help us to achieve more. We are evolving and so the world around us, and with those new techniques’ we will be able to re arrange our lives areas, with improvement according to our own choices and will with more meaning and fulfillment to take us to happier and long lasting lives throughout our self empowerment.
Being able to Manifest is the ability to transcend ourselves from the physical world to the conscious world and transcend back to the 3D world. For example: The thinking process is a mental and conscious system when you are with your mind. Once you add the desire to make your thoughts reality, it can just stay on your mind level or you can take it a bit further and manifest it into reality. We all do it in our everyday lives. This process has always been there and always will be. What are new are the techniques available to help us to achieve more. We are evolving and so is the world around us and with those new techniques’ we are able to rearrange our lives, with improvements according to our own choices and with more meaning and fulfillment to take us to happier and long lasting lives throughout our self empowerment.