All kind of meditation are useful. Any technique of meditation will be helpful. The concept of meditation is huge and it can be understood in many ways, however the fundamental result of a meditation, to work with your energy is to reach the state of stillness, where you can separate your mind from yourself for a as much you wish and intend to, allowing your physical body been completely relaxed.
If you never had practiced meditation before, you can learn it at the same time, using the tool to Energy ‘work plus any additional technique learnt before, such as breathing techniques used in yoga. It would be beneficial, but not essential.
It for people who never had used meditation before it may seem to be a hard work, however it is the opposite: it is the pleasant work we give to ourselves to relief us of any hard work done before it, and it recharge us in all senses to start to do any work afterwards.
It for people who is already engaged on doing meditation as part of living added to a good energy ’work it will reach the point of saying I live in meditation state, because it will all develop together within you so easy, that you will not be able to separate, because you will feel in control of balancing you anytime, anywhere in a matter of a few breathes. At this point you would be already mastering yourself.