Many people try to achieve to learn to balance themselves, using tools available from many different sources in our current daily lives. It is very positive and comforting for us when we feel that we know what to do to recover from pitfalls in our daily life.

Going a bit further some people think that we only can live in balance when we reach certain age, or wisdom. It is a misconception. Every single human being, regardless of their age, wisdom, or beliefs can learn, practice and live constantly in balance, with a high frequency of energy, eliminating any opportunities for life’s pitfalls.

Living in balance is about giving us a healthier and longer lasting life.

Many people achieved to learn to balance themselves, using tools available from many different sources, available in our current days. It is very positive and comforting for us when we feel that we know what to do to recover from pitfalls in our daily life. And going a bit further some people think that we only can live in balance when we reach certain age, or wisdom. It is only a misconception of all. Every single human being, regardless their age, wisdom, beliefs can learn, practice and live constantly in balance, with high frequency of energy, there will not have chances for pitfalls.

Living in balance also is giving us a healthier life and long lasting life.

Balance in life is the art of itself. It is found when we manage to bring all together. It can be reached by many ways, such as philosophic, religious sometimes, or even for some people just for a matter fact of life style. However we are evolving each breathe we take and we have impacts from both of our worlds, internal and external. It is all valuable when it is related to bring together, our physical body, mind, emotions, and beliefs. But it is one fact that impacts us the most and not many people stop to ponder about: it is the difference in between what beliefs are and what “knows”. We go to the gym, because we believe that will work out for better shape with some exercises, we read and learn things to ground our mind and we observe peoples actions and reactions, and so we do perform according to it unconsciously and we have built up beliefs. We really can reach a kind of balance doing all on this way, and it is what many people do. Even if you manage to do it for years, and are happy with that, it is okay, it is nothing wrong with that, but what if it can work different in a way that you “know” instead to believe only. As I said before we evolve and one of the biggest step for us to live completely in balance is to know, instead to believe.

We need to know what kind of physical exercise is the best for better physical shape, we need to bring thoughts outside of our minds from our consciousness and we need to feel emotions. We are one and our wholeness goes further than that conditioning   system that we live. It is a real deal to go for our wholeness and to know where we step in, to enrich the world with ideas for better life, and it is essential to feel happiness to live life in balance.

We need to bring it all together at once, even been separate parts of our living system, and the only way we can do connect it all to function intercommunicating is through our energy. Our energy is our magnetic field and it is not new that we can make connection through magnetic fields.  . Working with our magnetic field energy we can bring our physical body, mind and emotions to evolve in its vibration’s frequency interconnected leading us to know, instead to believe. It will break through the condition, unlashing the real potential of command, mindlessly and it will be consciously. Living in balance consciously will get us to our wholeness. It will not consequently affect us internally and externally only, but it will affect our environment to the extension of our planet, contributing to a better life for all involved. AND FINALLY:  YOU WILL BE MASTERING YOURSELF.