It’s is a new year. We are just starting to live another cycle of Energy continuing the shift from the last 3 years to the next three years, which will close at the end of 2017.
As we have seen already on the media, the year 2015 was declared as the International Year of Light by the United Nations and endorsed by NASA.
That information came across to me and called my attention, and I asked myself: How many people can relate it to us an individual’s? How many people would be willing to pay attention to it, giving the matter that is deserves? How many people are able to feel the joy it can bring into our lives, if we live with it under our skin?
Living accordingly and making the most of the cosmic light is also possibly when we leave at peace.
So I really wish that as many people as possible would feel at peace themselves, regardless of the turmoil caused around us in our daily lives, the light would be enhanced, and create more light, expanding peace, and changing our world for a better place
Now, how to set yourself at peace?
Simple: practice meditation. Start with discipline, in your everyday life, to give few minutes at least to your inner silence, without thinking about anything. It will be hard at the beginning, but very fast you will start to feel the results, and it will grow and everything will change for the better around you.